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Introductory course team

The national EA introductory course is a 5-week course with weekly reading, exercises and discussion groups, organised every quarter. We are looking for both organisers and facilitators. It is possible to decide per quarter if you want to volunteer.


You’ll organise the course together with facilitators. EAN will provide weekly check-ins.

Your profile

  • An understanding of effective altruism principles (e.g. you have completed the introductory course/fellowship)
  • Enthusiasm for helping others discover and engage with EA principles and resources
  • Able to keep overview of the programme and communicate well with both facilitators and participants
  • Reliability

Your benefits

  • Get others excited about effective altruism using the multiplier-effect
  • Work in a team with motivated facilitators
  • Improve the course
  • Improve your understanding of the ideas and issues in effective altruism


Remote (possible to work at our office in Amsterdam)

Time commitment and time frame

3-6 hours per week per quarter of your choice.

Application deadlines

Rolling base

Number of volunteers needed


Selection process

  • This form
  • 1-1 Call
  • 1-hour work test


You’ll facilitate a group with the help of a facilitation guide and a suggested agenda per session.

Your profile

  • An understanding of and commitment to effective altruism principles
  • Enthusiasm for helping others discover and engage with EA principles and resources
  • Reliability
  • (No facilitation experience needed.)

Your benefits

  • Get others excited about effective altruism and multiply your impact
  • Learn how to facilitate a group and get feedback from participants
  • Improve your understanding of the ideas and issues in effective altruism


Remote (or in your city when possible)

Time commitment and time frame

3-4 hours per week over 6 weeks per quarter of your choice

Application deadlines

Rolling base

Number of volunteers needed


Selection process

  • This form
  • 1-1 Call