Code of Conduct for Effective Altruism Netherlands
Last Updated: 01-11-2023
This code of conduct has been drafted to ensure that people in the EAN network, such as employees and volunteers in EA groups and visitors to online and offline EA spaces, collaborate in a positive and successful manner.
We have established some basic rules in this code of conduct that people should adhere to. This is not a complete overview of guidelines and rules. So, primarily use this code of conduct as a guide to keep our network an open and pleasant place.
The code of conduct applies in all spaces used by EAN. This includes online spaces, physical events, and forums used by our community to communicate. It is the responsibility of the organisation of the gathering to oversee this.
Violations of the code of conduct both inside and outside these spaces may lead to restrictions on the offender’s access to our spaces.
If you suspect that this code of conduct is being violated or there are clear indications that it has been violated, please report it to our trust person (via this contact form). Here, you can share your story (anonymously and confidentially).
Possible sanctions include: issuing a warning to the violator of the code of conduct or (temporarily) denying this person access to our online and offline environments. View the protocol on how we handle reports.
The trust person prioritises the anonymity of the reporter when initiating a report unless they consent to come out of anonymity.
EA Groups
This code of conduct applies to all activities and spaces facilitated by EA Netherlands, including all EA groups (such as EA university groups and local groups) and all online (like chat groups) and offline EA spaces and (formal and informal) EA meetings. We expect that people will also behave in the spirit of this code of conduct at social gatherings mainly involving EA enthusiasts. In addition, all people in and interacting with the EAN network, such as employees and volunteers in EA groups and visitors of online and offline spaces facilitated by EAN, can go to our trust person.
Behavioural Guidelines
- Welcome each other and be friendly, patient, and attentive.
- Be respectful and try to understand each other in disagreements: Disagreements are part and parcel of life and are not a reason for negative and/or unwanted behaviour. It is important to respect different viewpoints. Think about where your beliefs come from and how they may differ from those with a different background.
- Give each other the opportunity to explain uncomfortable or awkward behaviour if you feel safe doing so. However, if asked to stop unwanted behaviour, you must do so.
- Be mindful of accessible language; ask if people understand your jargon and preferably use other words.
- Ask for permission when in doubt (“Is it okay if I give you a hug?”) and respect a boundary if it is set.
- When organising gatherings, we recommend indicating in advance what adjustments are or are not available for disabled individuals. This includes the presence of stairs and lifts. This forum post also contains good principles for organising safe and inclusive events.
Unwanted Behaviour
- It is not allowed to insult, exclude or harass others. This includes:
- Physical or verbal threats of violence.
- Discriminatory language, jokes, or insinuations based on gender, race, skin colour, religious beliefs, lifestyle, or any other possible grounds that enable exclusion of a specific group or person.
- Posting explicit or violent material.
- Personal insults.
- Unwanted sexual attention. Microaggressions, sexist behaviour. Repeatedly harassing others. If you are asked to stop, then stop what you are doing.
- Encouraging the above behaviour.
- Alcohol and Drugs:
- Do not encourage others to consume alcohol or drugs.
- Drink responsibly at occasions where alcohol is served. By this, we mean that you can take full responsibility for your words and actions.
- Consuming illegal drugs (according to Dutch law) is not allowed at our gatherings. Lawful use and possession of prescribed medication are obviously exempt.
Have you experienced something or do you have something to report? Contact us!
Trust person EAN
A ‘trust person’ is somewhat like a community health person. You can confidentially speak to her with any issues you have and stay anonymous. Reachable via this contact form. (Only the trust person has access to this mailbox and has no other function or role within EAN. They can thus guarantee their independence.)
Our primary trust person is Joske de Ligt:
Joske: As a trained trust person (vertrouwenspersoon) I fulfill the Community Health Lead role at EAN, where anyone in the effective altruism network with the need for an (anonymous) conversation can reach out to me. They can share their matters with me and, if requested, I support them to get clarity on their possible avenues for solutions.
In case Joske is unavailable Jo Duyvestyn (trained by Joske) will be the trust person. She is one of the organisers of EA Leiden, which is an independently organised local EA group.
EAN management team
You can also contact the EAN management team (via our contact page). Only James and Marieke read the messages.
CEA’s Community Health Team
There is also a ‘Community health team’ from the central organisation Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA). Through this website, you can read what they do and (anonymously) contact them or report something. They are there for the entire EA community. If you would find it more comfortable to contact them directly, this is possible.