Become an EA organiser

Join the EA revolution

So, you’re thinking about becoming an organiser in the Effective Altruism (EA) movement? Fantastic! This guide is here to help you navigate the exhilarating journey of starting or running an EA group. Whether you’re eyeing a city, university, national, or niche group, or stepping up as a new organiser of an existing one, we’ve got you covered.

Step 1: Scope Out the Landscape

First things first: ensure you’re not reinventing the wheel. Check if there’s already a group in your city or university. It might be more effective to join forces with them. If nearby cities or universities have groups, dip your toes in their activities before diving into your own.

Finding local EA groups is easier than you might think:

This guide compiles wisdom from seasoned organisers worldwide. Remember, each group is unique, so treat this as a springboard, not a strict manual. Adapt, innovate, and don’t hesitate to seek advice from fellow organisers.

Why Should You Start or Run a Group?

Starting or running an EA group isn’t just about having an impact; it’s also a blast. Here are three compelling reasons to dive in:

  1. Multiply Your Impact: Picture this: you introduce one person to EA who becomes as passionate and committed as you are. That’s akin to doubling your lifetime impact! This “multiplier effect” means the more people you inspire to donate to effective charities or pivot their careers towards high-impact causes, the greater the overall impact. Just watch out for the meta trap—don’t get so bogged down in spreading the word that you forget to do good yourself!
  2. Foster Deeper Engagement: While only a small percentage of EAs first hear about the movement through a group, those who do are significantly more likely to become deeply involved. Group members are more likely to take the Giving What We Can pledge or change their career paths for EA. Regular in-person meetups provide the structure, resources, and social bonds necessary for potential EAs to get more involved and amplify their impact.
  3. Hone Your Skills: Interested in a career with an EA organisation, especially in operations or event planning? Running an EA group is a stellar way to develop and showcase your organisational prowess. It’s hands-on experience that looks great on any CV.

For more insights on how EA groups generate impact, check out this “How do EA groups produce impact?” page.

Optional Further Reading

Still on the fence about diving into community building? 80,000 Hours has an insightful article weighing the pros and cons of working in community building for EA. Aimed at those considering it as a career, this article can help you decide whether to jump into community building or explore other ways to make a difference.

Ready to get started? The EA community awaits your leadership, enthusiasm, and unique perspective. Let’s make the world a better place, one organised event at a time!

Go to the groups resources centreGet in touch!

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What organisers say

Here we'll add one or two testimonials from organisers, which is going to be full of nice things about organising and EA Netherlands. Hopefully also a bit funny. Doesn't have to be all serious. Well, you get the picture.

Max TheissenIntern at EA Netherlands

How to I start a group?

Step 1

Get familiar with effective altruism

We recommend organisers to have a level of EA knowledge at least equivalent to that of an EA introductory programme graduate, and that are in the process of learning more in-depth EA ideas.

Step 2

Make an informed decision

Dive into the concept of starting a group and determine its feasibility on your terms.
Do you have the time available? Do you get energy from organising, and have the ability to connect with a wide range of people? Then this might be a great opportunity for you!

Step 3

Get in touch with EA Netherlands

Are you excited about building a welcoming, altruistic, and effective community? Do not hesitate to our supportive team via our contact form or you can plan a virtual coffee with us.


Of course! You can decide to do it alone or with others. If you prefer to do it with others, you can look for (a) diverse co-organiser(s) to collaborate with.

Definitely, we will provide you with various resources to prepare becoming an organiser. Additionally, we share as much pre-made content as possible along the different EA groups to give inspiration and avoid double work. 

If you prefer, we can also get you in contact with an experienced EA group organiser to share ideas and talk about their experiences and lessons.

The work of organisers is fully dependent on their preferences. Examples of things organisers have done in the past can be found in this group resources directory. But if you have different ideas to maximise your social impact, feel free to propose or experiment with them!

You are fully autonomous and can thus decide that for yourself. Most important is that you can find a sustainable way of working. The way you decide to organise the EA group will determine the amount of time to invest.

Effective altruism is a research field and practical community that aims to find the best ways to help others, and put them into practice. We do this by building a community that helps others maximise their social impact by for example providing resources and connections.

Feedback is highly encouraged through periodical one-on-ones with your EAN contact person, via our quarterly anonymous form or by just filling in our contact form.

During your time organising, you will receive continuous support from your contact person at Effective Altruism Netherlands. This mainly consists of one-on-ones to discuss progress and share learning and quarterly collaboration sessions with other organisers with e.g. workshops or intervision.

The work is done on a voluntary basis. There is however the possibility to apply for funding, this money can then help you in your activities to organise for example events. To learn more about applying for funding, you can follow this link. EAN can help you with your application.

There are a lot of opportunities to get in contact with others. You can get in touch with other groups or we can get you in contact with others.

You can become an organiser at any given moment in time. See when it works for you and get in contact with us to talk about the time to come.

For questions not addressed in the FAQ, you can contact us directly via our contact form or you can plan a virtual coffee with us.

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